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Smile Analysis

Serving St. Albert and Edmonton

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Your smile is the centerpiece of your face. And when it is just not right, it can make you feel self-conscious and less than beautiful.

Misaligned or crooked teeth, pronounced gums, and uneven lips can lead to decreased confidence and even impact your quality of life. Regardless of why you don’t like your smile, Dr. Robert Lesniak can help through a detailed smile analysis in St. Albert. Dr. Lesniak uses his in-depth understanding of facial anatomy and specialized training to help you pinpoint the problems with your look and figure out how to correct them. No matter the cause — big or small — he can make you look your absolute best.

What is Smile Analysis?

Smile analysis brings Dr. Lesniak’s trained eye and extensive experience to bear in helping you design your perfect smile and crafting the treatment plan to get you there.

Unfortunately, damage over the years and genetic factors can all play a part in making your smile less than ideal. But thanks to advances in digital imaging and prosthodontic treatments, it is now possible to reshape your smile into its perfect form. The process of smile analysis looks at your face and smile from a holistic perspective and with multiple levels of detail.

St. Albert Smile Analysis model wearing a white top

In a typical smile analysis, Dr. Lesniak will look at the following elements of your appearance:


This level looks at the overall appearance and balance of your facial features. He will pay attention to the balance of the “facial thirds” (forehead, eyes/nose, mouth). If one or more features are misaligned or unbalanced, this can detract from your overall look.


Here, the focus is on how the shape and structure of the mouth fit into your overall appearance. Conditions like over or underbite are especially evaluated, and the need for orthodontic treatments is considered at this level.


In this phase, he will analyze the external appearance of the smile. Characteristics like the portion of teeth and gums exposed are measured and compared to the industry-standard ideals. Dr. Lesniak applies these measurements to create solutions that optimally suit each patient’s individual situation.


The relative shape and positions of the gums are evaluated at this analytic level. Ideally, the gums would be “scalloped” to the same extent across your top front teeth. When there is asymmetry or mismatched values in these measurements, it can make your smile appear uneven or unbalanced.


The shapes of the central teeth are measured and evaluated. The ideal height/width ratio for your teeth will depend on your overall facial shape. St. Albert smile analysis provider, Dr. Lesniak reviews these ratios and compares them to the real form of your smile to determine the exact proportions that will best complement your smile.

Smile Analysis Process

Edmonton smile analysis provider, Dr. Lesniak analyzes multiple photographs created with specialized imaging software to make these assessments.

These usually include pictures of your whole face from various angles, your smile itself, and then up-close photos of your teeth and gums. Once he has analyzed the images, Dr. Lesniak will walk you through his evaluation and recommend appropriate treatments and procedures to correct any found deficiencies.

St. Albert and Edmonton Implant Dentistry

For results you will love for years to come, turn to the prosthodontic dental skills of Dr. Robert Lesniak. Dr. Lesniak operates out of St. Albert. Conveniently located just north of the Anthony Henday, Dr. Lesniak makes sure each new patient is treated like family and receives undivided attention and impeccable care. Schedule your consultation today and get the smile you’ve been waiting for so long to share with the world!

202-225 Carleton Drive, St. Albert, Alberta